Little did he know that Ao Bing's father was the East Sea Dragon King, Ao Guang. Upon learning of his son's death, Ao Guang was grief stricken and angry 


The name Yang-Guang is ranked on the 127,826th position of the most used names. It means that this name is rarely used. We estimate that there are at least 300 persons in the world having this name which is around 0.001% of the population. The name Yang-Guang has ten characters.

Ao Guang resides at the bottom of the Eastern Sea in his Crystal Palace (水晶宫 shuǐ jīng gōng), which can be reached by following a waterfall from the Mountain of Flowers and Fruits (花果山 huā guǒ shān) - the birthplace of the Monkey King . Ao Guang is named after 敖广, the Azure Dragon (or Blue-Green, Chinese: 青龙), which is the god of the East and the essence of spring. It controls rain, flood, tide and thunder. The robot's ability is also like a rain of homing missiles, likely related to the myth. Ao Guang's color is the same as its corresponding dragon.

Ao guang meaning

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武 胜 Trad. Ao Kuang Lore. Regal, powerful, the Dragon-God of the Eastern Sea commands storms and tides with the flick of a claw, yet he seethes with rage for past humiliations. As one of four Dragon-Gods, Ao Kuang demands tribute from those along the Eastern shores. Ao Kuang grabs a single target, damaging and knocking them into the air.

Ao Guang (or the Dragon King of the East Sea) is a famous legend who can be recruited from the famous city Geng County at coordinates [33, 103].. Ao Guang has three sons, and his third son is Ao Bing.In the Legends task Nezha explores, Ao Guang sends Ao Bing to challenge Nezha, but is killed by Nezha.Ao Guang has three brothers: Ao Run (Dragon King of the West Sea), Ao Shun (Dragon King of the

CN ANS, Anshun, Anshun, GZ, -23-----, RL, 0501, 2615N 10556E. Ao Kuang. Dragon King of the Eastern Seas.

29 Jan 2019 The Ao Jun is a medium robot with 2 heavy hardpoints. All of these qualities, in conjunction with its powerful Dragon Breath ability, mean the Ao Jun is This also applies to Ao Qin, Ao Guang, Nightingale and Hawk d

0.9%. Sample Matches. 13212. Normal: Arena; Assault; Joust; Conquest; Siege  Sketch for Mao Zedong: AO, 1988, composite materials, 80 × 120 cm. The artist also claims no inherent meaning to the letters A and O. “It's easy to write, and it  13 Apr 2005 The vowels may pile together: ao, ai, iu, ou, just read them one by one. (At this point you will be able to pronounce names like Xiaojin Zhu. It's  19 Nov 2018 Zhe Guang and Yani Zhang 9835-9844; (2018); • 57.009835 on passive mode locking have a Gaussian transverse field profile ( the fundamental TEM00 mode) defined by their laser cavities.

Ao guang meaning

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Ao guang meaning

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Ao Kuang. Dragon King of the Eastern Seas. Win Rate.
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The name Guang means Light. and is of Chinese origin. Guang is a name that's been used primarily by parents who are considering baby names for boys. People who like the name Guang also like the names:

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武 胜 Trad. Ao Kuang is strong against many many gods, it's better to just list those he's weak against. Hel, Khepri, and Geb can all cleanse Ao Kuang's ult. This isn't easy to do, but if it is done correctly he's basically a sitting duck.

The robot's ability is also like a rain of homing missiles, likely related to the myth. Ao Guang's color is the same as its corresponding dragon. Ao Guang (chin. 敖廣/敖光, oft auch Ao Kuang) ist in der chinesischen Mythologie die oberste Drachengottheit und der Drachenkönig des östlichen Meeres.