Translation for: 'mecenat' in Swedish->Georgian dictionary. Search nearly 14 million words and phrases in more than 470 language pairs.


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French Synonyms Dictionary. See also: mécréant, mécane, mécène, méchant. Add your entry in the Collaborative Dictionary. Suggest or Ask for translation/definition.

Mecenat dictionary

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To act as a patron to; support or sponsor: donors who patronize the orchestra. 2. Translation of mecenat in French. Translate mecenat in French online and download now our free translator to use any time at no charge. You can then e-mail us at .

Translations of the phrase DIN MECENAT from swedish to english and examples of the use of "DIN MECENAT" in a sentence with their translations: Se mig som din mecenat .

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Whether you need to double-check the meaning of a word you think you know or you've run into new vocabulary, an online dictionary can be a quick way of getting the linguistic information you need. But be sure to choose the best dictionaries

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Mecenat dictionary

Online dictionaries can be an easy and quick way to learn information about a word. There are numerous general dictionaries like Merriam-Webster and for reference. Specialty dictionaries are written with specific fields or ga Whether you need to double-check the meaning of a word you think you know or you've run into new vocabulary, an online dictionary can be a quick way of getting the linguistic information you need. But be sure to choose the best dictionaries Even if you’re a great wordsmith, you often need to find a definition from a dictionary.

Mecenat dictionary

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genitive. mecenatu. Translation for 'mecenat' in the free Polish-English dictionary and many other English translations. Find synonyms, antonyms and the meaning of the word mecenat in our free online dictionary! Find words starting with mecenat and anagrams of mecenat. Lookup mecenat in the Scrabble Dictionary Mecenat– Nyckeln till ett rikare studentliv. Hos Mecenat hittar du studentrabatter som underlättar din vardag som student och får pengarna att räcka längre.

privé translation in French - English Reverso dictionary, see also 'priver',mécénat privé',détective privé',se priver', examples, definition, conjugation Over 100,000 

Mecenat translated between Swedish and English including synonyms, definitions, and related words. Mecenat och Studentkortet; Mazemap; Jodel;; Evernote; Studyblue; Dropbox; Feedly; När du börjar studera, inleds en ny era av ditt liv som är fullproppad av nya utmaningar och möjligheter. För att få ut det mesta av studietiden behöver du hitta en studieteknik som passar dig och skapa en bra balans mellan studier och fritid. Mecenat på svenska med böjningar och exempel på användning. Synonymer är ett gratislexikon på nätet.

Translation of mecenat to English in Swedish-English dictionary, with synonyms, definitions, pronunciation, example of usage and more. Definitions of Mecenat, synonyms, antonyms, derivatives of Mecenat, analogical dictionary of Mecenat (Swedish) SVENSvenska Engelska översättingar för mecenat. Söktermen mecenat har 2 SV, Synonymer för mecenat, EN, Översättningar main.dictionary ORDBOK. English translation of mecenat - Translations, examples and discussions from LingQ. Dictionary. Learn Vocabulary in Context  Free Download Mecenat APK for Android Mecenat Studentresor (boka direkt i appen) Version Mecenat | 3234 Reviewers | 2015/24/6 12:00:00 SA | Rating: 4.1 Download English Malayalam Dictionary 15 APK for AndroidFile name:  Om oss Kontakt Vanliga frågor Cookiepolicy Sekretessinställningar.