In GMAT terms, it is wrong for a pronoun to refer to two different entities in a same sentence. In E, this problem has been circumvented by converting the later
22 Apr 2020 This video examines #spread as a #verb with the meaning of "apply (a substance ) to an object or surface in an even layer." 4 verbs, which have
The killing started in Kigali, the capital, then spread. Welcome to Spreadthesign! Here at Spreadthesign we have gathered suggestions of signs from different sign languages around the world. Just use the search box above and type the word you would like search for. Spread is defined as to lay open, stretch out, or smear. An example of to spread is unfolding and laying out a blanket for a picnic. An example of to spread is the phrase spread out, someone laying on their back with their arms fully extended.
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Come to think of it, it actually more natural to use ”den” in the Visar resultat 1 - 5 av 8 avhandlingar innehållade orden sentence accent. The point of departure is the wide-spread assumption that Swedish, as a language The sentence for the two Romanians is expected to be announced on August 14 A jury in the United States has convicted two men from Romania of spreading masakit ang ulo in a sentence. Senast uppdaterad: 2020-12-10 Engelska. spread in a sentence panghalip panao use in a sentence. Senast uppdaterad: Svensk översättning av 'reduce the sentence' - engelskt-svenskt lexikon med många fler översättningar från engelska till svenska gratis online.
Spread sentence examples:1.if such grassroots efforts do not Spread and intensify, nation states may not be able to resolve the differences that exist between them.2.a wide stretch of land Spread in front of us.3.a dark red stain was Spreading across his shirt4.he Spread some butter on his bread.5.of chickenpox at m
volume_up more_vert English The spread of democracy is our greatest challenge. volume_up more_vert English Broken nets spread death and this should worry us.
Visar resultat 1 - 5 av 8 avhandlingar innehållade orden sentence accent. The point of departure is the wide-spread assumption that Swedish, as a language
The flag was spread out in the wind. 7. The Spread sentence examples:1.if such grassroots efforts do not Spread and intensify, nation states may not be able to resolve the differences that exist between them.2.a wide stretch of land Spread in front of us.3.a dark red stain was Spreading across his shirt4.he Spread some butter on his bread.5.of chickenpox at m See how to use are spread in a sentence.
In GMAT terms, it is wrong for a pronoun to refer to two different entities in a same sentence. In E, this problem has been circumvented by converting the later
My favorite Mediterranean spread is hummus it is very garlicky. This one sentence actually contains two complete sentences. But in the rush to get that idea out, I
English Sentences Focusing on Words and Their Word Families The Word " Spread" in Example Sentences Page 1 · [S] · [T] The news quickly spread. · [S] · [T ] Don't
Choose the word or phrase that must be changed for the sentence to be correct. Because coughing spread germs and Ram is coughing, Ram is spreading
29 Dec 1999 A new way to administer chemotherapy greatly improves survival among colorectal cancer patients whose disease has spread to the liver. Understand 13 different senses of Spread in Urdu along with English definitions and sentence(s).
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2021-04-20 · Spread definition: If you spread something somewhere , you open it out or arrange it over a place or | Meaning, pronunciation, translations and examples Spread the word definition: If you spread the word , you tell people about something. | Meaning, pronunciation, translations and examples Se hela listan på Definition of spread_2 noun in Oxford Advanced Learner's Dictionary. Meaning, pronunciation, picture, example sentences, grammar, usage notes, synonyms and more.
A spread of funds or different investment vehicles is a better approach to take, provided it doesn't mean you are paying significantly more in fees and charges. Jeremy had eagerly donated to the Nobel sperm bank, and spawned many, many children with various wives, because he wanted to spread his seed as far as possible. See how to use spread in a sentence.
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Examples of Spread in a sentence. The chef spread the raw pizza dough from its compact ball to a flat circle on the table. 🔊. It’s really easy to take a ball of Play-Doh and spread it over a wide area. 🔊. You can spread your arms to the side if you want to take up more space. 🔊. When a cat stretches, it usually likes to spread its legs as far out as it can. 🔊
Examples of to spread in a sentence: 1. It was to spread down before the stove. 2. With oleomargarine on it to spread. 3. The column has to spread. Examples of the spread in a sentence: 1.
spread out. spread something out (over something) spread sth over sth. spread the word idiom. spread your wings idiom. spread yourself too thin idiom. spreadeagled. spreader. spreadsheet.
| Meaning, pronunciation, translations and examples Learn the definition of spread and how to use it in a sentence. This website focus on english words and example sentences, so everyone can learn how to use them.
2018-07-10 · July 10, 2018 Some well-meaning statements can spread stereotypes, new Stanford study says.