2021-02-05 · 5/2 Det finns ljus i pandemitunneln och den bästa bedömningen för när livet kan börja återgå till "någon form av normalitet" igen efter pandemin är "under andra kvartalet", säger Swedbanks prognoschef Andreas Wallström i en intervju med Trading Direkt. ”Vi är helt överens om det här


GomSpace udvikler bl.a. nye produkter, komponenter, platforme og innovativ teknologi til brug i professionelle nanosatellitter. GomSpace blev via sit svenske moderselskab GS Group AB noteret på Nasdaq First North i Stockholm i juni 2016 (ticker: GOMX) og har 125 medarbejdere. Se mere på www.gomspace.com

components, platforms and systems based on innovation The company is listed on the Nasdaq First North Premier exchange under the ticker GOMX. FNCA Sweden AB, info@fnca.se, +46-8-528 00 399 is the Company’s Certified Adviser. For more information, please visit our website on www.gomspace.com . GomSpace is a space company with a mission to be engaged in the global market for space systems and services by introducing new products, i.e. components, platforms and systems based on innovation within professional nanosatellites.

Gomspace ticker

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Produkterna är utvecklade för att leverera spårning, kommunikation och cybersäkerhet och används idag inom ett flertal olika branscher, inkluderat försvar och säkerhet, flyg samt telekommunikation. GomSpace is a space company with a mission to be engaged in the global market for space systems and services by introducing new products, i.e. components, platforms and systems based on innovation GomSpace is a space company with a mission to be engaged in the global market for space systems and services by introducing new products, i.e. components, platforms and systems based on innovation within professional nanosatellites. The Company is listed on the Nasdaq First North Premier exchange under the ticker GOMX. GomSpace is a space company with a mission to be engaged in the global market for space systems and services by introducing new products, i.e.

GomSpace is a space company with a mission to be engaged in the global market for space systems and services by introducing new products, i.e. components, platforms and systems based on innovation

STOCKHOLM, June 10, 2020 /PRNewswire/ — Today, GomSpace The company is listed on the Nasdaq First North Premier exchange under the ticker GOMX. GomSpace Group AB performance chart.

How has GomSpace Group's share price performed over time and what events caused price changes? Latest Share Price and Events Stable Share Price : GOMX is more volatile than 75% of Swedish stocks over the past 3 months, typically moving +/- 10% a week.

STOCKHOLM, June 10, 2020 /PRNewswire/ — Today, GomSpace The company is listed on the Nasdaq First North Premier exchange under the ticker GOMX.

Gomspace ticker

Gomspaces aktie handlades volatilt efter en omvänd vinstvarning på eftermiddagen. GomSpace Group AB (the "Company") comments on information given on the Nasdaq First North Premier exchange under the ticker GOMX. GOMspace - Company presentation with CEO Niels Buus Recorded at our event ABGSC Investor Day in Stockholm, Wednesday 2 December 2020. [Läs mer på  GomSpace and ESA have signed a contract to continue is listed on the Nasdaq First North Premier exchange under the ticker GOMX. RHEA Group and satellite solutions provider GomSpace have recently signed Nasdaq First North Premier exchange under the ticker GOMX. GomSpace Group, GOMX, SEK, SE0008348304, 1510. Implantica SDB, IMP A SDB, SEK, SE0014855029, 2010.
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Gomspace ticker

Notice to attend the annual QUICK FACTS Sector: Capital Goods Website: www.gomspace.com List: Market Cap: 887,6 SEKm Ticker: GOMX Next Event: Q1 report 26 Apr 2021 Share Price (yesterday) GomSpace opens an office in North America Today, GomSpace has opened a new office in Washington which will spearhead the company’s growing activities on the American market. GomSpace Group AB (“GomSpace”, Nasdaq First North ticker: GOMX), has just opened a GomSpace North America office which will play a major role in attracting further attention to the company on the US market. GomSpace and J.P. Morgan test blockchain transaction on GOMX-4 constellation GomSpace and J.P. Morgan have successfully utilized the GOMX-4 satellites for an in-orbit demonstration (IOD) and tested tokenized value transfer in space. GomSpace A/S: Notice to attend the annual general meeting in GomSpace Group AB (publ) to be held on April 23, 2021: 26-02: GomSpace A/S: GomSpace and J.P. Morgan test blockchain transaction on GOMX-4 constellation: 28-01: GomSpace A/S: GomSpace (provider of nanosatellites) announces its quarterly results for the fourth quarter 2020: 22-01 GomSpace is a space company with a mission to be engaged in the global market for space systems and services by introducing new products, i.e. components, platforms and systems based on innovation within professional nanosatellites.

Infrea, INFREA, SEK, SE0010600106, 5020. genom att testa på det som att det vore riktigt investeringar.
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Gomspace Group är ett IT-bolag. Bolaget utvecklar, designar och säljer nanosatelliter. Produkterna är utvecklade för att leverera spårning, kommunikation och cybersäkerhet och används idag inom ett flertal olika branscher, inkluderat försvar och säkerhet, flyg samt telekommunikation.

2021-02-05 · 5/2 Det finns ljus i pandemitunneln och den bästa bedömningen för när livet kan börja återgå till "någon form av normalitet" igen efter pandemin är "under andra kvartalet", säger Swedbanks prognoschef Andreas Wallström i en intervju med Trading Direkt. ”Vi är helt överens om det här European smallsat builder GomSpace has entered a settlement agreement with SAS Global, in an April 15 notice to the Australian Stock Exchange, said it  As of 9:00 AM PDT Apr 16 on the Stockholm Stock Exchange ∙ Minimum 15 GomSpace Group AB, formerly GS Sweden AB, is a Sweden-based company.


Recent dividends; Annual dividend  13 Jan 2021 GomSpace increases revenue outlook for 2020 to 185-200 MSEK listed on the Nasdaq First North Premier exchange under the ticker GOMX. * All numbers are in millions except for per share data and ratio. All numbers are indicated in the company's associated stock exchange currency. Download. *  TESAT, KSAT and GomSpace have partnered up to introduce full optical is listed on the Nasdaq First North Premier exchange under the ticker GOMX. GomSpace Group Stock Forecast, GOMX stock price prediction. Price target in 14 days: 9.574 SEK. The best long-term & short-term GomSpace Group share  30 dec 2020 Today, GomSpace signed a contract with an existing customer on the on the Nasdaq First North Premier exchange under the ticker GOMX.

GomSpace is a space company with a mission to be engaged in the global market for space systems and services by introducing new products, i.e. components, platforms and systems based on innovation within professional nanosatellites. The company is listed on the Nasdaq First North Premier exchange under the ticker GOMX. GomSpace is a space company with a mission to be engaged in the global market for space systems and services by introducing new products, i.e.