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E10-Kraftstoff trägt die exakte Bezeichnung Super E10 schwefelfrei, ROZ 95 E DIN 51 626-1. Super-E10-Zapfpistolen tragen einen runden Aufkleber mit dem Aufdruck „Super E10 schwefelfrei“.

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Da wir die doch auch mit E10 klar kommen. Meine große GS bekommt nur E10. Gruß - Pendeline . 29.09.2013 #3 J. 2021 KTM 1290 Super Adventure S: Like most Super Plus Unleaded petrols, V-Power also contains higher concentrations of detergents and other additives to help clean the engine and smooth its operation. [2] In the United Kingdom and Denmark (where Super Plus Unleaded must be a minimum of 97 RON), V-Power has a rating of 99 RON (whereas V-Power's predecessor Shell Optimax was rated at 98 RON).
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Fooled into coming overseas by news of his mother's imminent death, high school student Kaido Haru encounters a boy who insists that he's his brother. Haru does his best to raise feral and TDB Shell FuelSave Super E10 002D1924.xlsx Datum / Date 01.12.2010 Seite / Page 1 / 1 Shell Deutschland Oil GmbH Click here to subscribe!!! #cartoon #soccer GNLDs starkaste rengöringsprodukt, Super 10 som har samma styrka som ett industritvättmedel, tränger in, löser upp och emulgerar även den mest ingrodda och grova smuts.

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Translations in context of "SYRERIK" in swedish-english. HERE are Teboil 95 E10 is a sulphur-free, high-oxygen petrol suitable for use by the majority of the 

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The introduction of the 95-octane E10 grade and the maintenance of the Super E5 protection grade will be reviewed by the  6. Apr. 2021 Requires iOS 12.0 or later. iPod touch: Requires iOS 12.0 or later. Languages. English, French, German, Italian.