Kinga is an adventure rider from Poland, and her two biggest passions in life are motorcycling and Blues music. After an opportunity in her construction career meant a move to Australia, Kinga decided to take the chance to make one of her dreams come true – a solo ride around Australia on her motorcycle.
Jan 8, 2015 MotoLadies unite! Hannah Johnson, me, and Janell Mattson outside MotoCorsa. We're holding Learn more · kinga-tanajewska-bmw5 · kinga-
She ended up with a broken leg, bruised limbs and a broken heart. She and her trusted adventure bike the BMW F800GS were totaled. She is a passionate solo adventure rider. After a trip of 19.000 km around Australia she is now on her way on a round-the-world trip.
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Kinga has been on the road for years now riding around the world; when the pandemic hit, she left her bike in Mozambique and spent most part of 2020 in Europe. After flying back to Mozambique, picking up her bike, and hitting the road again, Kinga is back 2016-05-26 In this episode I speak to Kinga Tanajewska, also known as On Her Bike on social media. Kinga is on a round the world trip on her motorbike. She embarked on this trip from Australia back in 2017. She is currently in South Africa and I invited her to come and tell us … 2017-04-24 2018-12-17 Kinga Tanajewska, a Polish adventure motorcycle traveler based in Australia, has a hugely successful blog and social media following.
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@endurorider117 Enduro Rider · onherbike. @onherbike ✴Kinga Tanajewska✴ · starken685. On Her Bike Kinga Tanajewska has been on her bike & riding around the world, since April of 2017.
We're at it again! 🤩This Thursday, Kinga Tanajewska @onherbike, Nora Adventurism, Sinje Gottwald, Lea Rieck, and I are going live to talk about the dangerou
We are … Strange times”, read a recent Instagram post by Kinga Tanajewska, aka On Her Bike. Kinga has been on the road for years now riding around the world; when the pandemic hit, she left her bike in Mozambique and spent most part of 2020 in Europe. After flying back to Mozambique, picking up her bike, and hitting the road again, Kinga is back 2016-05-26 In this episode I speak to Kinga Tanajewska, also known as On Her Bike on social media.
Dzisiaj realizuje marzenia o motocyklowych wojażach, a jej najnowszy projekt to połączenie pasji jazdy z pomocą potrzebującym dzieciom. Podróżniczka Kinga Tanajewska wyruszyła z Australii i dojechała motorem aż do Polski. Zajęło jej to sześć miesięcy. Ile kilometrów przejechała? Z czym się musiała zmagać podczas swojej podróży? In this episode I speak to Kinga Tanajewska, also known as On Her Bike on social media.
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Motorcycle diaries of adventure seeker Kinga Tanajewska. Round the world since Her name is Kinga Tanajewska and she is one with her bike.
Die beiden abenteuerlustigen Frauen bereisen seit Jahren unabhängig voneinander die ganze Welt und lassen ihren Fans mit inspirierenden Berichten und Fotos an ihrem Fernweh und den Erlebnissen auf 6 Kontinenten teilhaben. kinga tanajewska: @onherbike By Paul Strubell of Dirt Orcas – 4/24/17 For the twenty ninth installment in our ongoing interview series here at Dirt Orcas, we are very pleased to speak with Kinga Tanajewska. Kinga Tanajewska pokochała motocykle jeszcze jako nastolatka. Dzisiaj realizuje marzenia o motocyklowych wojażach, a jej najnowszy projekt to połączenie pasji jazdy z pomocą potrzebującym dzieciom.
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93.4k Followers, 682 Following, 964 Posts - See Instagram photos and videos from 𝙺𝚒𝚗𝚐𝚊 𝚃𝚊𝚗𝚊𝚓𝚎𝚠𝚜𝚔𝚊 ㋡ (@onherbike)
Ile kilometrów przejechała?
Podróżniczka Kinga Tanajewska wyruszyła z Australii i dojechała motorem aż do Polski. Zajęło jej to sześć miesięcy. Ile kilometrów przejechała? Z czym się musiała zmagać podczas swojej podróży?
She embarked on this trip from Australia back in 2017. She is currently in South Africa and I invited her to come and tell us about some of the adventures she has had so far. I've been travelling around the world solo on a BMW F800GS since 2017. This episode is a celebration of My 4-Year Journey on the Road and also includes the best … Kinga Tanajewska aka on Her Bike is an adventure motorcycle rider who left everything behind to travel solo around the world. Listen to episode October 26, 2020 Magic (Machiel Monninkhof): How to Respond to Anything in Life in a Playful Way Sinje Gottwald and Kinga Tanajewska first met on the Silk Road in Tajikistan. Three years later, they embarked on their first adventure together, Discover Europe – an unforgettable trip that saw Sinje and Kinga explore Europe’s winding roads and breathtaking landscapes on an FTR Rally and an FTR 1200.
67 290 gillar · 9 386 pratar om detta. Motorcycle diaries of adventure seeker Kinga Tanajewska.