Båttest av Skilsö 33 Sport / Ht. Pris: från 2 sek Dimensioner: Längd 9,90 m. Bredd 3,20 m. Vikt 3 600 kg. Tillverklingsmaterial: Handupplagt glasfiberskrov
Nya Aquador 25 HT har som sin storasyster Aquador 27 och 28 HT, framtagits genom omsorgsfull utveckling av tidigare mycket framgångsrika Aquadormodeller såsom Aquador 23 HT och 24 HT. Delvis helt ny layout har tagit båten till en helt annan nivå.
Browse online today. Find Aquador boats for sale in your area & across the world on YachtWorld. Offering the best selection of Aquador boats to choose from. Aquador 28 HT. Andas kvalitet!
PRIS. 3 250 000 kr Bavaria 33 Cruiser. ÅRSMODELL. 2006. PRIS. 550 000 kr Aquador 25 C. ÅRSMODELL. 2004.
This Aquador 26 HT is offered for sale in very good condition with just one owner from new. Powered £ 76,595. MGM Boats. 21 photos. Aquador - 26ht. Subcategory
What Aquador model is the best? Some of the most widely-known Aquador models now listed include: 27 HT, 28 HT, 22 C, 22C and 23 HT. Various Aquador models are currently offered for sale by specialized yacht brokers, dealers and brokerages on YachtWorld, with listings ranging from 1999 year models up to 2019. View a wide selection of Aquador boats for sale in your area, explore detailed information & find your next boat on boats.com.
Looking for Aquador boats for sale? Many Aquador boats are advertised and for sale on Boats24.com!
History information, contacts and models of Aquador. Sale, charter and rent boat from Aquador Förutom en hög nivå på standardutrustningen har den här båten extrautrustats utöver det vanliga. Värme, plotter, bogprop, radar, ankarspel, bäddmadrasser, el-grill och mycket mer i utrustningsväg finns på flera Aquador 33 ht. Den här båten har dessutom skinnklädsel i salong och förarplats, elverk och centraldammsugare.
Aquador 32 C. 2004 Windy 33 Scirocco.
Aktier miljöteknik 2021
Second-hand Aquador 26 HT with Innenborder VOLVO PENTA D engine, 8.25 m in length, and 3.05 m beam length. Second-hand Aquador 26 HT in Germany (Germany).
Large selection of options and best price offers on Aquador 33 HT from the owner of the vessel. Compare the cost with yachts of a similar class and choose the offer that suits you best. Price Aquador 33 HT in the 2Yachts catalog from 174 771€ to Russia.
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Volvo Penta Nimbus 33 Nova - 2000.
Årsmodell: 2009. Längd: 10.6 m. Bredd: 3.45 m. Motor: 2 x Cummins 220 hp. Motor årsmodell: 2009. Tag kontakt för mera information! Alla Utebilder Innebilder
News. Contact Aquador 33 HT · CR 360 · Scanner 391 Aquador 33 HT boat for sale, Motor Yacht, GRP (Polyester.
37. 35. 33 Yachtsale, www.yachtsale.se *.