See the sold price and property insights for 12 JULIAN COURT AUGUSTINE HEIGHTS QLD 4300


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57 LEON CAPRA DRIVE AUGUSTINE HEIGHTS QLD 4300. 4 See the sold price and property insights for 12 JULIAN COURT AUGUSTINE HEIGHTS QLD 4300. 4 MARK COLERIDGE STREET AUGUSTINE HEIGHTS QLD 4300. 5 bedrooms; 2 12 Julian Court is a house in Augustine Heights QLD 4300. View more about this property and browse similar listings in Augustine Heights on 12 Dominic Street, Augustine Heights, QLD 4300 4 beds 2 bath 2 cars 340 sqm There is no Estimated Property Value Range Data available for this property.

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View property photos, floor plans, local school catchments & lots more on 2016963639 12 Dominic Street, Augustine Heights, QLD 4300 4 beds 2 bath 2 cars 340 sqm There is no Estimated Property Value Range Data available for this property. 12/228-230 Redbank Plains Road 3 Gateway Drive Augustine Heights, QLD 4300 +61 (7) 3814 8288;; Instagram; Back to top Augustine Heights, 4300. Viewing 1-12 of 15 If you elect to move into the Augustine Heights property the details Search Property For Sale in Augustine Heights, QLD 4300 with studio. Find real estate and browse listings of properties for sale in Augustine Heights, QLD 4300. Don't miss out on your dream House Augustine Heights QLD 4300. Search from over 300,000 real estate listings online and get the full view on property.

Property data for 12 Quinn Close, Augustine Heights, Qld 4300. View sold price history for this house and research neighbouring property values in Augustine Heights, Qld 4300

St Augustine's College opened on 29 January 2003. Augusta State School opened on 1 January 2011. It was originally to be called Augustine Heights State School. 4 bedroom house for Sale at 5 Jude Lane, Augustine Heights QLD 4300.

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Shop 2, 7001 Augusta Parkway Augustine Heights, Ipswich, Queensland 4300 Australien +61 7 3814 1088 Webbplats Meny. Stängt nu: Se alla tider. Alla bilder 

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St Augustine's College opened on 29 January 2003. Augusta State School opened on 1 January 2011. It was originally to be called Augustine Heights State School. 4 bedroom house for Sale at 5 Jude Lane, Augustine Heights QLD 4300. View property photos, floor plans, local school catchments & lots more on

Find more about the sold price, property information, and  Everything you need to know about Agent activity in Augustine Heights, with rankings, reviews, sale stats, 7 Fitzpatrick Circuit, Augustine Heights, QLD 4300 Top agents in Augustine Heights, by sold properties over the past 12 mo 25 Jun 2020 Land & Development Property Sold at 12 Purser Road, Augustine Heights QLD 4300. 20Ha* Subdivision Site Augustine Heights SEQld. St Augustine's is a P-12 co-educational Catholic College located at Springfield in the rapidly-developing corridor between Brisbane and Ipswich. Map directions to Ignatius St Augustine Heights, QLD 4300. Easily find directions to Ignatius St in Augustine Heights, QLD 4300 using Whereis®. Augustine Heights is a suburb in the City of Ipswich, Queensland, Australia.