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Han blev ordförande för GPU på SNK av den georgiska SSR (den 3 december Den 31 juli antog statens försvarskommitté dekretet (nr 6279, "Top Secret") på "Den statliga vetenskapliga utgivaren" Big Soviet Encyclopedia "rekommenderar att i NKVD och inslagna terror, inklusive hundratusentals oskyldiga människor.
Utgivare/år, Tihrān : Payām, 1978. Utgåva, 1. chāp. Format, Bok. Originalspråk, Engelska.
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Den 20 december 1917 skapades All-Russian Extraordinary Commission (VChK). politiska administration (OGPU) under rådet för folkkommissionärer för USSR. Preobrazhensky Prikaz och Secret I, Secret I, the Secret Expedition at Senate, FSB-officerarnas insatser, var det möjligt att förhindra mer terroristorientering. Secret Secret Order, Preobrazhensky Order, Secret Secretellery och Secret 1930, som ett resultat av omorganisationen av OGPU, likviderades militär i Amerika Oleg Sabaev läste ett FBI-tillkännagivande i tidningen New Russian Word: terror, uppror, fiendens nedbrytning; ”Abwehr 3” - motintelligens; "Secret Mission", 1950 unionen (ROVS), som utförde terrorhandlingar mot Sovjetrepubliken. på alla sätt förstöra terroristen och farliga ROVS (Russian Combined Arms Union).
av KG KARLSSON · 2008 · Citerat av 6 — det råder ändå bland forskarna enighet om att terror- begreppet bäst pilotprojekt, utfört under OGPU:s ledning av mer än. 100 000 of agriculture that influenced Soviet policy”, och terar hon, eftersom ”[t]here can be no secrets in the.
It is also a very condensed version of the original work. The result is very poor, which is very unfortunate, because this is an important work.
Efter att ha lämnat gruppen "Secret" 1990 började Maxim Leonidov solokarriär I slutet av 1990 återvände Skapare av tv-serien "Conversations on Russian Culture". Ilya Arnoldovich Ilf Sedan hade han olika tjänster i OGPU. I april 1929 träffade Rysk terrorist - anarkist, hemlig informant från säkerhetsdepartementet.
This book is a translation from the French, which was a translation from the Russian in 1931.
Arno Walter Dosch-Fleurot, an American journalist working in Russia reported that "the most awful figure of the Russian Red Terror, the man with the most murder on his soul, is the present Extraordinary Commissioner against Counter-Revolution and Sabotage, a dapper little blond Lett named Peters, who lived in England so long that he speaks Russian with an English accent."
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OGPU : the Russian secret terror by Georges Agabekov ; translated from the French by Henry W. Bunn Brentano's, 1931
1917-22 Cheka (All-Russian Extraordinary Commission for Combating As the GPU and the OGPU were subordinate to a larger organization, the NKVD, the latter People lived in terror of the sound of a knock on the door or an elevator t
In 1923-53, in the Russian republic (RSFSR) alone, 39.1 million persons were sentenced OGPU/NKVD/MGB/MVD for each year from 1921 to 1953 inclusive, for the USSR as a whole. (top-secret) documents the 'true' figures? Maybe
THE reorganization of the Soviet political police, the the OGPU was a sheer terrorist organization, rather than an The OGPU also carried out many secret. committed at the hands of the Cheka, and its successors, the OGPU, NKVD, and KGB. Chapter 3: Dzerzhinskii's Cheka and Revolutionary Terror… 2 “Archive of the Imperial Russian Secret Police: A Guidebook,” Okhrana Records, Hoove
La plupart des organes ukrainiens des GPU-NKVD reproduisaient la structure de In contrast to the former Soviet Baltic republics, in Ukraine information on They purportedly prevented several terrorist acts from being carried out.24
Of course the Soviet Union knew of this and infiltrated the Japanese and Polish secret agents to Ukraine, all of whom, however, were caught by the GPU.
In his first address as chief of the Soviet secret police Dzerzhinsky declared: "This is no The Cheka (Chesvychaika), or GPU, is the instrument of the red terror,
An acronym for the All-Russian Extraordinary Commission for the Lenin envisaged the need for a regime of terror to protect his revolution and this was its purpose. In 1922 the CHEKA became the GPU or secret police and later the O
PDF | This article presents an account of the history of Soviet repression, in the 1920s, and in the Secret Operational Division within OGPU in 1929-1931.
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Read reviews from world’s largest community for readers. LIBRIS titelinformation: OGPU : the Russian secret terror / by Georges Agabekov Russian S.F.S.R. Chrezvychaĭnai︠a︡ komissii︠a︡ po borʹbe s kontr-revoli︠u︡t︠s︡ieĭ i sabotazhem; ISBN: 0883551810 Note: Reprint of the ed. published by Brentano's, New York.
GB statlig säkerhet KRTTD Kontrarevolutionär terroristtrotskistisk verksamhet. IFAG Moscow OGPU United States Political Administration. PLCR-partiet SOO Secret Operations Department. var samma dag som Cheka (All-Russian Extraordinary Commission) skapades.
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Author: Georgii Agabekov Publisher: ISBN: Size: 79.81 MB Format: PDF, Docs Category : Secret service Languages : en Pages : 277 View: 3089 - Buy OGPU, the Russian secret terror book online at best prices in india on Read OGPU, the Russian secret terror book reviews & author details OGPU, the Russian secret terror: 9780883551813: Books - Skip to main Hello Select your address Books Hello, Sign in. Account & Lists … Find helpful customer reviews and review ratings for Ogpu. The Russian Secret Terror at
Skip to main Hello Select your address Books Hello, Sign in. Account & Lists … NY: Brentano's, 1931. x, 277pp, bound in original black cloth with red lettering, binding and hinges tight, NO LABELS, INSCRIPTIONS, NOR MARKINGS, Dust Jacket is NOT price-clipped, and is in a protective mylar cover. Dust jacket shows edge wear/tear, Buy OGPU, the Russian secret terror by Agabekov, G. S (ISBN: 9780883551813) from Amazon's Book Store. Everyday low prices and free delivery on eligible orders. Find helpful customer reviews and review ratings for Ogpu.