Active cells, such as muscle cells, have more mitochondria than less active cells, such as fat-storage Plant cells have some organelles that animal cells do not
Most human cells contain 23 pairs of chromosomes. Certaint For example, you can find four pairs of chromosomes in a fruit fly, and 12 in a rice plant. pairs in cell nuclei and in a small DNA molecule found within individual mitochondria.
Plant cells photosynthesize to form simple sugars which are broken down This comparison of mitochondria in plant and animal cells brings to light a truly and no animal has yet been discovered which does not contain them. Feb 18, 2016 Over the years, the mitochondrial genome has shrunk. The nucleus now harbors the vast majority of the cell's genetic material—even genes that Both plant and animal cells have mitochondria because they both: Which of the following elements does not become incorporated into the sugars produced by Jan 20, 2021 Farmers have used plant grafts since at least the days of ancient Rome (Like mitochondria, chloroplasts and the other plant organelles called Apr 30, 2015 nearly all cells have mitochondria While plant and animal mitochondria do not differ in their basic structure, Dan Sloan, an assistant professor Some different cells have different amounts of mitochondria because they need more energy. So for example, the muscle has a lot of mitochondria, the liver does Solved: Plant cells can make their own “food"—glucose. Why do plant cells have mitochondria?
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Like mitochondria, chloroplasts also have their own DNA and ribosomes. Jan 14, 2021 Both plant and animal cells contain mitochondria. Q. Do prokaryotes have mitochondria? A. Prokaryotes do not have mitochondria and thus If they do contain mitochondria, does this mean that indoor plants dont contain chloroplasts?
Do plant cells have Mitochondria? March 2, 2020 by mcq. A) No. B) Yes. C) May be. D) Can’t be determined. View Answer. Option – B. Categories Uncategorized Post navigation. Is steel a compound? Which nitrogenous base is not found in dna?
Animal and plant cells have some of the same cell components in common including a nucleus, Golgi complex, endoplasmic reticulum, ribosomes, mitochondria, peroxisomes, cytoskeleton, and cell (plasma) membrane. While animal and plant cells have many common characteristics, they are also different. Differences Between Animal Cells and Plant Cells For example, animal cells do not have a cell wall or chloroplasts but plant cells do.
Find an answer to your question Do plant cells have Mitochondria? A) No B) Yes C) May be D) Can't be determined stuthiishana3769 stuthiishana3769 01.12.2018
Mitochondria is considered the "powerhouse of the cells". Animal and plant cells have some of the same cell components in common including a nucleus, Golgi complex, endoplasmic reticulum, ribosomes, mitochondria, peroxisomes, cytoskeleton, and cell (plasma) membrane.
(3) Plastids: Animal cells do not have plastids.
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A number of unicellular organisms like microsporidia, parabasalids, and diplomonads have also reduced or transformed their mitochondria into other structures. Animal cells have another set of organelles not found in plant cells: lysosomes. The lysosomes are the cell’s “garbage disposal.” In plant cells, the digestive processes take place in vacuoles. Enzymes within the lysosomes aid the breakdown of proteins, polysaccharides, … 2021-1-14 · Mammalian cells have hundreds of thousands of mitochondria per cell, but this number can change based on the specific role and energy needs of the animal’s cells.
Staci AmyCONNOR There are cells made our of cake, clay, or play-do. Great. Plant Mitochondria: From Genome to Function: 17: Day, David, Millar,: Books.
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In the past couple of class periods, we have focused on the sorting and transport of Mitochondria help cells to extract the energy in food molecules efficiently to power cellular activities. How do proteins get into the chloroplas
I think it breaks down the food that the plant makes, to turning it into energy.
Animal and plant cells have some of the same cell components in common including a nucleus, Golgi complex, endoplasmic reticulum, ribosomes, mitochondria, peroxisomes, cytoskeleton, and cell (plasma) membrane. While animal and plant cells have many common characteristics, they are also different. Differences Between Animal Cells and Plant Cells
A number of unicellular organisms like microsporidia, parabasalids, and diplomonads have also reduced or transformed their mitochondria into other structures.
Do Plant Cells Have Mitochondria Yes, plant cells, as well as animal cells possess mitochondria.