The Essence of Eranikus quest, ID 3374. Related rewards, creatures, achievements, NPC's, items, series, etc. World of Warcraft: Wrath of the Lich King Database.


Legt die Essenz von Eranikus in den Essenzborn, der sich in dem Versunkenen Tempel in seinem Unterschlupf befindet. Eine Level 55 Der Tempel von Atal'Hakkar Quest (Dungeon).

All you have to do for it is "use" the brazier in the back of the room you fought him. You recieve the chained essence then. After you leave the temple, go to Itharius' cave and choose the last option you see. Hello, recently i found out that i need my green trinket [Chained Essence of Eranikus] in order to finish quest [The Essence of Eranikus]. Which i of course trashed like ~1 month ago while lvling. And now they say they won’t restore it i won’t be able ever to complete this quest. like eranikus, he is corrupted aswell and will attack you on sight (hes a lvl 62 elite) maybe wearing the item or using the essence of eranikus on him may cause a change that makes him neutral or something.

The essence of eranikus

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Objective: Bring the Oathstone of Ysera's Dragonflight and the Chained Essence of Eranikus to Itharius in the Swamp of Sorrows. like eranikus, he is corrupted aswell and will attack you on sight (hes a lvl 62 elite) maybe wearing the item or using the essence of eranikus on him may cause a change that makes him neutral or something. can anyone try? casue i handed my trinket in to itharius. Je suis Eranikus des dragons verts, gardien de ce temple maudit. J'avais pour charge de m'assurer que les trolls n'amènent plus en ces lieux leurs dieux abominables. Mais j'ai échoué.

Placer l'Essence d'Eranikus dans le Réceptacle d'essence situé dans son antre dans le Je suis Eranikus des dragons verts, gardien de ce temple maudit.

Alors que j'imprègne cette gemme d'une partie de mon essence, je sens que mon étreinte sur le Rêve s'évanouit vers le néant. Soy Eranikus del Vuelo Verde, guardián de este templo maldito. Mi deber de asegurarme de que los trols nunca jamás vuelvan a traer su abominación de dios, ha fracasado. Mientras esta gema queda imbuida de parte de mi esencia, puedo sentir que mi vínculo con el Sueño se dirige hacia el caos.

The Essence of Eranikus This quest was marked obsolete by Blizzard and cannot be obtained or completed. Place the Essence of Eranikus in the Essence Font located in this lair in the Sunken Temple.

To get the Oathstone of Ysera's Dragonflight you need to have in your inventory the Chained Essence of Eranikus, not the Essence of Eranikus; i.e. you must have completed the quest at the font in the Chamber of the Dreamer where the dragon resides.

The essence of eranikus

Talk to him and pick gossip option #2. Listen to his story and the Oathstone will appear in your inventory when you've clicked 2019-02-07 Place the Essence of Eranikus in the Essence Font located in this lair in the Sunken Temple. A level 55 The Temple of Atal'Hakkar Quest (Dungeon).
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The essence of eranikus

I had to figure out from the quest text that Eranikus gives the quest and that he might be inside the temple of Atal Hakkar. It The Essence of Eranikus Quest is NOT avilable to players. Bring the Oathstone of Ysera's Dragonflight and the Chained Essence of Eranikus to Itharius in the Swamp of Sorrows. It is there that you will make your choice to aid Ysera's Dragonflight or not. As you near the essence font that Eranikus told you of, his voice once again touches your mind.

Ekyso changed description of [Sunken Temple][Quest] The Essence of Eranikus Ekyso renamed [Sunken Temple][Quest] The Essence of Eranikus (from [) Ekyso added [ to New Issues I'd like to have some information about who starts this quest and where it can be found. I had to figure out from the quest text that Eranikus gives the quest and that he might be inside the temple of Atal Hakkar. It would be great if someone could add something along the lines of: "How to get the quest: The quest is given by Eranikus and it can be found etc" —The preceding unsigned I am Eranikus of the Green Dragonflight, keeper of this accursed temple. My charge to ensure that the trolls never again bring forth their abomination of a god has for now ended in failure.
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The Essence of Eranikus, Vanilla WoW Quest

For other uses, see Eranikus (disambiguation).. Eranikus is a dragon of the green flight who has fought and lost himself to the corrupting Nightmare spreading within the Emerald Dream.. Eranikus, husband and prime consort to Ysera, is among the greatest of the green dragons. Place the Essence of Eranikus in the Essence Font located in this lair in the Sunken Temple. items to find/deliver: 1x Essence of Eranikus.

I am Eranikus of the Green Dragonflight, keeper of this accursed temple. My charge to ensure that the trolls never again bring forth their abomination of a god has for now ended in failure. As I imbue this gem with part of my essence, I sense my grip on the Dream twisting into chaos.

Talk to him and pick gossip option #2. Listen to his story and the Oathstone will appear in your inventory when you've clicked 2019-02-07 Place the Essence of Eranikus in the Essence Font located in this lair in the Sunken Temple. A level 55 The Temple of Atal'Hakkar Quest (Dungeon).

2010-07-13 · Has anybody already tried out if they finaly implemented the rest of the questchain?