(2014) BMC Neurology, 14. Journal article. A large-sample assessment of possible association between ischaemic stroke and rs12188950 in the PDE4D gene.


BMC Neurology Review Speed, Peer-Review Duration, Time from Submission to 1st Editorial/Reviewer Decision & Time from Submission to Acceptance/Publication

The Journal adheres to a rigorous and transparent peer review process and all papers will be considered on the basis of ethical and methodological soundness rather than As the second largest open access public health journal in the world, BMC Public Health is a peer reviewed journal with a broad scope welcoming articles on Neurological Research and Practice provides a forum for clinicians and scientists with an interest in all areas of neurology including, but not limited to, genetics, vascular diseases and critical care, disorders of the spine, movement disorders, neuroimmunology, infections, oncology, epilepsy, neuroimaging and neuroradiology, neurodevelopment BMC Research Notes is a forum for micro publication across all scientific disciplines - physical, earth and environmental, engineering, biological and health A pioneer of open access publishing, BMC has an evolving portfolio of high quality peer-reviewed journals including broad interest titles such as BMC Biology and BMC Medicine, specialist journals such as Malaria Journal and Microbiome, and the BMC Series. BMC Neurology is a journal covering the technologies/fields/categories related to Medicine (miscellaneous) (Q1); Neurology (clinical) (Q2). It is published by BioMed Central. The overall rank of BMC Neurology is 3896. According to SCImago Journal Rank (SJR), this journal is ranked 1.078. All authors have approved the manuscript and agree with its submission to [insert the name of the target journal]. Submission checklist Before submitting your manuscript, thoroughly check its quality one more time.

Bmc neurology submission

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Patients receive the latest in therapies and treatments based on research that is ongoing at BMC. The department’s Please check the journal website for updated information prior to submission. Journal Title. BMC Neurology BMC NEUROL ISSN. 1471-2377 BMC Neurology operates a transparent peer-review system, where, if the article is published, the reviewer reports are published online alongside the article under a Creative Commons Attribution License 4.0 but the reviewer is not named. You can automate citing and referencing any source in BMC Neurology using Citationsy. Cite sources using the BMC Neurology Citation Machine Citationsy is a reference management used by more than 200 000 students, academics, and researchers around the world.

Oct 13, 2009 BMC Neurology. Research article. Systematic review of pharmacological treatments in fragile. X syndrome. Jose-Ramon Rueda*†1, Javier 

Tidskrift. Stem Cells & Restorative Neurology.

BMJ Neurology Open will be published continuously online and aims to operate a fast submission and review process, to ensure timely, up-to-date research is available worldwide. The Journal adheres to a rigorous and transparent peer review process and all papers will be considered on the basis of ethical and methodological soundness rather than their novelty, significance, or relevance to any

Received: 15 Submit your manuscript here:. Oct 13, 2009 BMC Neurology. Research article. Systematic review of pharmacological treatments in fragile. X syndrome.

Bmc neurology submission

Jose-Ramon Rueda*†1, Javier  Journal of Neurology and Neuroscience is high impact open access, Cited articles. https://www.imedpub.com/submissions/neurology-neuroscience.html or you of Neurology, Annals of Neurology, Behavioural Neurology, BMC Neurology,&nbs This preprint is under consideration at BMC Neurology. A preprint is a preliminary version of a manuscript that has not completed peer review at  BMC Neurology. 2009; 9:63. VISA ARTIKEL II. Krut JJ, Zetterberg H, Blennow K, Cinque P, Hagberg L, Price RW, Studahl M, Gisslén M. II. Aquilonius, Sten-Magnus; Fagius, Jan Neurologi. 4., [rev.] uppl.: Stockholm: Liber, 2006. Find in the library.

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A well-known international journal, BMC Neurology advances the understanding, prevention, and treatment of neurological diseases. Acceptance of various

Citation Impact 3.077 - 2-year Impact Factor 3.822 - 5-year Impact Factor 1.755 - Source Normalized Impact per Paper (SNIP) 1.367 - SCImago Journal Rank (SJR) Usage 2,435,863 Downloads 3,617 Altmetric mentions I created this video with the YouTube Video Editor (http://www.youtube.com/editor) A well-known international journal, BMC Neurology advances the understanding, prevention, and treatment of neurological diseases. Acceptance of various Submission guidelines for authors requesting a membership discount with BMC & SpringerOpen Please follow these steps when requesting a membership discount for your manuscripts Submitting from within institutional IP ranges − automatic IP recognition Acceptance of various pediatric neurology bmc.

BMC Neurology Proceedings Open Access to prepare for submission of an Investigational New Drug application, is critical to ensure that the preclinical development package properly supports the planned phase I clinical trial. from Drug Discovery for Neurodegeneration Conference

Springer Nature remains neutral with regard to jurisdictional claims in published maps and institutional affiliations. BMC Urology is an open access journal publishing original peer-reviewed research articles in all aspects of the prevention, 202 days from submission to acceptance 17 days from acceptance to publication. Citation Impact 1.592 - 2-year Impact Factor 1.818 - 5-year Impact Factor BMC Neurology - study protocol — Template for authors Used by 167 researchers (user testimonials) Use this template Typeset is safe and secure. You will always remain in control of your data. Learn more . Get started with a free account — or sign up using email — Use this The BMC Neurology Journal Impact IF measures the average number of citations received in a particular year (2020) by papers published in the BMC Neurology during the two preceding years (2018-2019). Note that 2020 Journal Impact are reported in 2021; they cannot be calculated until all of the 2020 publications have been processed by the indexing agency.

Find the right academic journal to publish your paper. Journal submission Formatting your manuscript to meet submission standards Resubmission support Support to manage reviewer comments or rejection BMC Nephrology is an open access journal publishing original peer-reviewed research articles in all aspects of the prevention, 191 days from submission to acceptance 15 days from acceptance to publication. Citation Impact 1.913 - 2-year Impact Factor 2.308 - 5-year Impact Factor BMC Urology is an open access journal publishing original peer-reviewed research articles in all aspects of the prevention, 202 days from submission to acceptance 17 days from acceptance to publication. Citation Impact 1.592 - 2-year Impact Factor 1.818 - 5-year Impact Factor Neurological Research and Practice, official journal of the German Neurological Society, is an international publication with a broad scope reflecting all BMC Research Notes is a forum for micro publication across all scientific disciplines - physical, earth and environmental, engineering, biological and health A well-known international journal, BMC Neurology advances the understanding, prevention, and treatment of neurological diseases.