Elkann, John Ordförande och VD, EXOR; Ordförande, Fiat Chrysler Juppé, Alain Borgmästare i Bordeaux, fd premiärminister FRA Kaeser
Han är son till Margherita Agnelli och den franska publicisten Alain Den 20 april 2010 blev John Elkann ordförande i Fiats styrelse efter Luca
in Turino, Italy, said John Elkann's father, the writer and journalist Alain Elkann. May 25, 2018 He was the chosen heir of his grandfather Gianni Agnelli, and chairs and controls the automaker Fiat Chrysler Automobiles (which owns the Lapo Elkann has become famous for promoting Fiat by wearing branded sweaters at d'Adda , Parent(s): Countess Margherita Agnelli de Pahlen Alain Elkann. John Elkann is the youthful chairman of Fiat Chrysler Automobiles. John was born in New York on 1st of April 1976 to Margherita Agnelli and Alain Elkann. Italian businessman. John Jacob Philip Elkann.
Elkann then joined Fiat's investment group, IFIL; the holdings of that firm included the San Paolo bank, Rinascente department stores, Club Med resorts, the top daily newspapers Corriere della Sera of Milan and La Stampa of Turin, and Italy's most successful soccer team, Juventus. Alain Elkann (born March 23, 1950) is an Italian novelist, journalist.Currently, Elkann is the conductor of cultural programs on Italian television. He is President of the Scientific Committee of the Italy-USA Foundation. Italian industrialist and President of Fiat from 1946 to 1966. Lecturer in economics before he joined Fiat in April 1921: as a result of his academic qualifications and background he was often known to colleagues and in the trade as "Il Professore". Wikipedia Elkann controls a family business that has interests in automobile, media, insurance, re-insurance, soccer and more.
2020-05-07 · John Elkann was born in New York City, New York in April 1976. He is the son of Margherita Agnelli and Alain Elkann. He is the grandson of Gianna Agnelli, the largest shareholder in Fiat.
Ginevra Elkann Jan 27, 2012 Fiat scion hit bottom a few years ago, but now one of Italy's most His father is Alain Elkann, a Frenchman who became a well-known TV Jul 18, 2011 He is the son of Margherita Agnelli de Pahlen and the writer Alain Elkann, and the grandson of the super couple, Marella Agnelli and Fiat Jul 8, 2013 Elkann, now 37, at the test track on the roof of Fiat's Lingotto I ruined his youth,' ” says John's father, the novelist and journalist Alain Elkann. Aug 21, 2014 late Gianni Agnelli, the ex-chairman of the century-old Italian automobile dynasty Fiat and daughter of Margherita Agnelli and Alain Elkann.
3 Dec 2013 Lapo Elkann resuscitated the Fiat name, romanced Italy's hottest starlet, a writer: Alain Elkann, the handsome, suave son of a French banker.
Välj mellan premium Lavinia Borromeo Elkann av högsta kvalitet. Hijo de Margherita Agnelli y su primer marido, el escritor Alain Elkann, nieto de Gianni Agnelli, fundador de la Fiat y artífice de una de las más grandes fortunas de Italia y el más díscolo 2016-11-29 · Lapo Elkann, the 39-year-old grandson of Gianni Agnelli, the late billionaire industrial magnate who was chief executive and controlling owner of Fiat, was charged with filing a false report after Se hela listan på fr.wikipedia.org Et ce n'est pas le seul traumatisme vécu par Lapo Elkann. Enfant dyslexique, l'héritier Fiat de 34 ans est envoyé chez les jésuites, ce qu'il vit alors comme "une punition".L'homme cité parmi De senaste tweetarna från @AlainElkann Alain Elkann Interviews. 11,964 likes · 35 talking about this. Eclectic interviews with thought leaders, celebrities and important personalities. 2016-12-03 · Lapo Elkann, Fiat Heir, Goes From Playboy to Bad Boy Again Lapo Elkann, the grandson of the founder of Fiat, at the Italian Grand Prix in 2015.
Lecturer in economics before he joined Fiat in April 1921: as a result of his academic qualifications and background he was often known to colleagues and in the trade as "Il Professore". Wikipedia
Elkann controls a family business that has interests in automobile, media, insurance, re-insurance, soccer and more. He is also the chairman of Fiat S.p.A. (now Fiat Chrysler Automobiles ), chairman of the Giovanni Agnelli Sapaz, chairman and CEO of EXOR and chairman of Ferrari amongst others. Lapo Eduard Elkann (born October 7, 1977) is a New York-born Italian entrepreneur, former Fiat marketing manager. He has been manager of brand promotion at Fiat Automobiles, Group Fiat, and is currently president of LA Holding, Italia Independent and Independent Ideas.
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5. 6. 3. Gianni lyckades först och främst återbörda kontrollen över Fiat i familjens ägo, Med den amerikansk-italienske författaren Alain Elkann hade hon två söner, Alain de la Falaise, Alain de Rothschild, Alain Dejean, Alain Delon, Alana Ferrari, Fiat, Film und Frau, Fiona Campbell-Walter, Fiona Cowan, Fiona Gina Lollobrigida, Gina Lolobrigida, Ginette Camu, Ginevra Elkann Ginevra ELKANN på Geneastar. 24 september 1979 Italiensk industrialist och chef för Fiatkoncernen anemeth2.
Efter Calciopoli valde bröderna Elkann och deras mentor Luca
Annars följs Alain Elkann på första plats bland drömmännen av författarna men inte längre det förnyade och framgångsrika Fiat, för att nämna
Det här är John Elkann, den diskreta arvingen Agnelli.
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Jan 27, 2012 Fiat scion hit bottom a few years ago, but now one of Italy's most His father is Alain Elkann, a Frenchman who became a well-known TV
Biographie: Elkann, John; italienischer Unternehmer; Fiat-Chrysler. Sein Vater ist der französisch-italienische Autor und Journalist Alain Elkann (*1950). Margherita Agnelli, daughter of Fiat auto company President Giovanni Agnelli!, was married lo New Alain Elkann in a civil ceremony Thursday ln this Turin View and license Alain Elkann pictures & news photos from Getty Images. 29. Okt. 2015 Lapo Elkann, Ur-Urenkel des Fiat-Gründers, hat sein eigenes und des Autors Alain Elkann heute ein seriöser Unternehmer, Trendsetter und 26.
Alain Elkann (born March 23, 1950) is an Italian novelist, journalist.Currently, Elkann is the conductor of cultural programs on Italian television. He is President of the Scientific Committee of the Italy-USA Foundation.
John Elkann net worth is estimated at $1 billion. Hitta perfekta Alain Elkann bilder och redaktionellt nyhetsbildmaterial hos Getty Images.
Currently, Elkann is the conductor of cultural programs on Italian television. He is President of the Scientific Committee of the Italy-USA Foundation. A recurring Nov 8, 2012 He was born in New York in 1976 to Margherita Agnelli, daughter of family patriarch Gianni, and Alain Elkann, a journalist from a prominent Oct 11, 2005 (ANSA) -Lapo Elkann, grandson of Fiat's late longtime chief Gianni are the sons of Gianni's daughter Margherita and the writer Alain Elkann.